
Core Leadership Values

Decent Essays

Abstract strong leadership skills and leadership is essential part of improvement, attainment, and growth for personal, group and organizational effectiveness. I believe that while leadership is vital to the well-being and growth of both the person and the group, it is not reserved strictly for those with formally assigned management or leadership positions. core leadership values such as collaboration, competency, excellence, self-respect, honesty, integrity, resonate, wisdom and creativity, i strive to keep this values as part of both my professional and personal life while constantly reviewing and updating them throughout my leadership journey. Establishing core values is essential, however, they must be incorporated into behaviors and actions in all settings to truly have an impact on personal leadership philosophy. According to the situation leadership skills and needs may change over time. They depend on team and organizational dynamics, but they are vital to effective team building and forward movement and allowing teams to identify, accept and grow through periods of change.
Leadership is one of the important criteria for nurses. It is the process of interaction between the leader and the followers, influencing followers toward achieving a goal (Yukl, 1998). leadership is the capacity to give guidance toward favored future desires and adjusts the adherents toward objectives accomplishment (Kelly-Heidenthal, 2004). Additionally, leadership is seen as a

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