
Corruption In Cat's Cradle

Better Essays

Samuel English
Mr. Poetzinger
Freshman Honors English
26, November 2014

The corruption of today’s society

In the novel “Cat’s Cradle”, written by Kurt Vonnegut, religion is presented as more useful and less dangerous than science, despite its paradoxes and shortcomings. “Bokononism” is all lies, but it makes people happy. The whole idea of extended families to make you feel part of something, even though it’s based on meaningless things brings people comfort. On the other hand, truth and science gives us atom bombs and Ice-nine, which aren't great for anybody. Even with his choice of character names, like Dr. Breed, Vonnegut paints a picture of science as cold and something that just invents more weapons. Throughout certain parts of the novel, …show more content…

This pretty much sums up “Cat’s Cradle” and the scientists that are in it. With Felix, he created a product called Ice-nine, that would supposedly freeze the mud so soldiers could traverse across marshy terrain. Instead, it froze all of the rivers, lakes, and the oceans, also killing many in the process. “He raised a finger and winked at me. ‘But suppose, young man, that one Marine had with him a tiny capsule containing a seed of ice-nine, a new way for the atoms of water to stack and lock, to freeze. If that Marine threw that seed into the nearest puddle...?’ ‘The puddle would freeze?’ I guessed. ‘And the muck around the puddle?’ ‘It would freeze?’ ‘And all the puddles in the frozen muck?’ ‘They would freeze?’ ‘You bet they would’ he cried.” (PG. 47-48) Vonnegut is saying that science will go too far at one point, and the consequences will be devastating. This is a recurring theme within many other books as well, such as “Jurassic Park”, where lab technicians try to play god. Dr. Hoenikker had invented this life-killing Ice-nine and given it to his children the day he died. It goes to show that some things aren’t meant to be tampered with or made, and science needs to develop a sense of moral to know when to stop. Science without a moral conscience is cold, soulless and

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