
Cosmopolitan Canopy Analysis

Decent Essays

In cities all across America, people congregate in certain areas to either accomplish daily tasks or just for personal gain. Whether one may know it or not, these places can become refuges from the sometimes chaotic nature of reality even if it’s for less than an hour. The Reading Terminal Market in Center City, Philadelphia, serves as just one place among many. There are people who rush either by foot or in their cars to get to wherever their destination is outside, but the moment someone steps through the entrance, the market itself transforms into its own domain. Occasionally, whenever someone opens the door, you can hear the car horns and shouts from people who are frustrated. However, when you just look at the market and all it has to offer, all the stress from the day seems to melt away. In Elijah Anderson’s The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Race and Civility in Everyday Life, the Reading Terminal Market is a prime example. Through the atmosphere, people, and personal first hand encounters, anyone could call the Reading Terminal Market a cosmopolitan canopy. To begin, it may be useful to get some insight of Anderson’s piece of cosmopolitan canopies. As defined by Anderson, a “cosmopolitan canopy” is a place where people come together from all varying walks of life to take time to themselves and away from their busy lives. It serves as a common ground for people in a surrounding area through a common interest or activity. There is no evidence of bigotry or tensions within this

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