
Counting Street Sleepers

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Those who sleep on the streets go unnoticed by many United States citizens. According to the article “Counting Street Sleepers” written by E.W., in 2014 there was as many as “1.49 million people” who slept in shelters, “and 578,424 were recorded as being without shelter.” Even though fixing these numbers is common knowledge and something most can agree upon, there is a lack of solutions or effort. Granted, the shelters have been showing improvement, and there are states taking larger steps to work towards ending homelessness. But the pace is inadequate. There are thousands who need shelter and food, and they stretch across the age bracket. From children and adolescents, to college students, to adults and veterans returning from war. Thousands …show more content…

According to Kirk Carapezza’s article “National Survey Shows High Rates Of Hungry And Homeless Community College Students”, at least fourteen percent of students go without food and shelter, and the number is growing. He quotes sociologist Sara Goldrick-Rab as saying that, “[n]ot only did we find challenges of food insecurity and housing insecurity at the less expensive community colleges, we found it at more expensive colleges”. A university professor discussed in the article says that they were told to offer food in their classes because of this knowledge, and colleges are starting to join with local shelters to help alleviate the issue. This is a step in a great direction, as “[t]wenty percent of students reported being hungry, 13 percent homeless” (Carapezza, Kirk). However, gaining entry into a safe shelter proves difficult for students. Waitlisting for better shelters is discussed in Carapezza’s article, as one student was put on hold for six months before she could move. The idea that anyone needs to be waitlisted to gain entry - or that there are unsafe shelters - is concerning. Living without a roof is hard enough without having to worry about if harm will be inflicted. How is one expected to maintain good grades or graduate when they have unsafe conditions to live …show more content…

They claimed to lose 91% of their homeless by giving them homes, but after some research, Kevin Corinth, writer of the Huffington Post article “Think Utah Solved Homelessness? Think again”, found that they faked their numbers. According to Corinth, “Utah conducts a count of its homeless population on a single night each January.” They then claim that the numbers are annual, instead of point-in-time, meaning that “the actual count is adjusted upward to reflect the fact that some people who were homeless...were not homeless on the night of the count” (Corinth, Kevin). They also stopped counting those who spent a large amount of time in shelters as homeless, dropping their percentages. In reality, Utah is not the powerhouse it claimed to be. Corinth suggested that instead of Utah cooking up a great percentage, “additional focus should be placed on transitioning people out of expensive supportive housing and into housing of their own or with family members when their well-being improves.” It's a good point. So many of Utah’s citizens could have had housing by the time the state was done faking the country out. The extra effort put would have gone to people deserving of the help, and Utah would have genuinely been a leader for the rest of the

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