
Creative Story : A Short Story

Decent Essays

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the hospital, not a baby was crying, not even...Nick. Tonight was the night that Santa was born. He had a twin brother named Kris, and they were born 3 minutes apart! Two Years Later… “No, you can’t!!!” “Yes I can I can decide what to do with my baby!” “There not just yours!” “I’m leaving and I’m taking Kris with me!!” “Good! I never wanted to be with you!” “Well fine!” (A door being slammed!) (akward silence) “Daddy, what just happened?” “I don’t know son, but it just might be me and you for a while…” “Where are mommy and Kris going?” “Who knows, but I’m sure that they’ll come back some time. I hope…(long pause) Son, it's late, let's go to bed.” So that night they fell asleep right there on the couch with no more questions the rest of the night, and the morning it was pretty quiet, except for Nick, and him not understanding what was happening. “ When will they be back? Where are they going? Will they be here soon? I want to see mommy! Where are they!! Come back! Come back! Wwwwaaaaaaaa!” “Shhh, Shhh. It will all be all right. Shhh, Shhh.” Soon after that there wasn’t much talk about Kris and mother. They kind of forgot about them after a while. About ½ a year later they weren't remembered at all. Twelve Years Later...Christmas Day “Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas everybody!” Exclaimed Nick. It was Christmas morning and everybody was outside celebrating Christmas and how Christ was a gift to us a long

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