
Creative Writing: The Choctaw Boy

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It was August of 1829 in Mississippi. Men were harvesting corn and beans. The smell of the Choctaw own acorn bread filled the air. All the children were prancing about, playing with friends, shooting squirrels with their little toy bows, and wrestling for the last bite of jerky. All but one child. That lonely little boy’s name was Koi. Koi never got to play with the other Choctaw boys, as he had to prepare to become chief. Koi looked at his father with pleading eyes. “Pleeease Father?” The 5 year old boy begged. “Can I go play with the other boys and girls?” “For the last time, no!” Moshulatubbee bellowed, “You need training for when the time comes for you to be chief of the Choctaw!” “It’s not fair…” the young boy muttered. “What was that?!” …show more content…

Something was surely happening, but little Koi did not know what. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Koi heard a strange noise. It was loud, and booming. He heard it again! He could feel it in his bones. His stomach knotted up, not knowing was the sound was. It felt close. Koi looked around, but all he could see was a man in a funny suit with greenish blobs on it, and a strange metal stick with a wooden chunk attached to it. The man screamed in a foreign language Koi didn’t understand. “Get back, kid, or I’ll shoot! You wouldn’t want that, would ya?” The funny man then bonked Koi on the back of the head with the butt of his gun, sending the little boy flying to the ground, screaming. The tribe heard the cries and rushed to safety. All but his father, which suffered the same fate as his son. “You filthy savages stay away from me! I don’t want your funk all over my new clothes!” The man shrilly screeched. “Now sign here. I said, don’t touch me!” The man presented a piece of parchment with rows of strange scribbles. “I said, sign here!” The man stretched out his words in a last attempt to get Moshulatubbee to sign. The strange man belted out a frustrated …show more content…

I’ll just sign it for you, then!” Moshulatubbee looked at the man with a baffled expression across his face. He cocked his head as if he were questioning the man. The soldier slapped the confused man’s cheek and continued to scold him in a foreign

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