
Creepers In Lord Of The Flies

Decent Essays

Creepers: What They Mean
Society is like a ball of yarn, pretty from a distance but in reality it can be a tangled mess. In William Golding’s book, The Lord of the Flies, he shows how tangled society is by illustrating what happens when kids create their own society in the absence of adults. Golding uses symbolism such as the conch shell and Piggy’s glasses to reinforce his ideas on society. Another important symbol that represents the fragility of society is the creepers that line the bottom of the jungle. Like a ball of yarn and like society, these vines are made up of individual strands that intertwine together to make a whole. These creepers represent how complex and fragile society can be and how it can easily unravel, hold its people …show more content…

For example, in American society, African-Americans can be held back because of people’s racism and also disabled people can be subject to similar discrimination. Society as a whole is good, but it is also woven with bad. Golding represents this perfectly with the creepers. The book shows how society, symbolized by the creepers, can be restrictive when it says, “I can’t hardly move with all these creeper things.”(Golding 7). The creepers impeded the boys’ progress both physically and mentally. A society that holds people back cannot progress and without progress it is doomed to fail which is what happened to the tribes in the Lord of the Flies.
Even the best societies can burn. For example, at one time the Roman Empire seemed like it would never fall, but it eventually collapsed. In the book, it states, “They had smoked him out and set the island on fire”(Golding 197). As the final act that sealed the boys’ descent into savagery, Jack lights the creeper vines on fire to kill Ralph. In the final chapter of the book, the creepers represent the loss of individuality that results in a mob mentality. The vines become the fuel that feeds the fire which symbolizes the end of the boys’ civilized …show more content…

Society can hold people back and keep them from improving. People might not think this is significant, but when reading The Lord of the Flies and looking back at the world’s history the reader can see that these things can cause societies to fall apart. The creepers in the book may seem unimportant, but the individual vines that make up the jungle creepers are symbolic of the individual citizens that make up a society. Like the ball of yarn, the separate strands are woven together, but they can easily be unraveled by a tug in the wrong direction or they can become so tangled together that they lose their individuality. People need to treat each other and society with care if society is to survive and grow

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