
Creon's Anger In Oedipus

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Furthermore, Oedipus demonstrates his anger once again by confronting Creon based on his own preposterous assumptions on Creon's disloyalty. Oedipus once again let's his anger get the best of him. As seen when he accuses Creon of possibly being the murderer of King Laius as well as seizing the throne from him: " You, the murderer so self-proved, the self-condemned filcher of my throne! . . . What madman's game is this: to go out hunting crowns unbacked by money and by friends, by many friends and well-crammed money bags?" (Sophocles 44). Oedipus clearly at this point is so paranoid and lost in his rage that it causes him to falsely accuse one of his most loyal advisors, Creon, of possible murder and betrayal. Instead of listening to Creon's

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