
Crime And Punishment Sociology

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Throughout history, the law has been violated repeatedly. Crime and Punishment is not an unknown system of the world. Every state has their own set of laws that are different and similar to other states. The law has changed several times throughout history, adapting to the situation and the beliefs of the nations it dictates. These set of rules guide people’s actions and lives to protect them, their rights and the other citizens of their nation. These rules are sometimes challenged and changed because of people who dared to argue against a specific law. There are cases that are unbelievable and seemed unimaginable int the time period and situation of the nation, but they made a difference in society.

A fine example of such a case is the …show more content…

This case obviously had a major sociological aspect to it. For the jurisdiction was based on whether these two boys knew the difference between good and bad and whether they were truly aware of the consequences of their actions. At the age of 10, a child cannot be held accountable by law for crime because their brain hasn't fully developed the capacity to determine that they're doing is wrong. This fact alone had a major impact on their punishment at the end of the trial. From one perspective they are too young technically, to know what they did was wrong but from another what they did was so wrong that it is impossible they were not aware of consequences that would result from their actions. “The innocence of childhood has finally come of age. [...] Britain in 1993, this was a prophecy which, at last, seemed to have come true through the violent murder of one child by 2 others.” The nation of England had much to say on this matter and within a few days everyone had an opinion on whether these boys were innocent or truly guilty for their actions. On the day of the trial there were many riots in the streets pleading that they were to be determined guilty and demanding for proper punishment. The original decision was a punishment of five years in a juvenile detention center but was later extended until the 18th birthdays. Thus meaning until their adult age before law. this comp the population slightly but they were still greatly upset and these boys had handcuffed of bullying within their schools. English citizens the man to Justice and just 8 years in the juvenile detention center was not enough for

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