
Criminal Behavior And Strict Liability

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When studying criminal behavior and strict liability, exploring the possible causations that may contribute to criminal behavior is important. Examining family backgrounds, genetic make ups and parenting are some factors that influence criminal behavior. Understand the possible risk factors of criminal behavior helps us to better understand why people commit crimes. This paper will attempt to critically analyze two articles on the concept of criminal behavior and law as it pertains to strict liability. Criminal Conduct In the early 1960’s the movement of the Model Penal Code transformed American criminal law by the American Law Institute. The MPC seek to bring analytical clarity to the definition and interpretation of criminal statutes that were encrusted with ill-defined law terms such as “malice aforethought” (Brown, 2012, p. 287). Criminal conduct can be defined as conduct of an offender that leads to and including a commission of an unlawful act (USLEGAL, n.d.) A recent current event that is a prime example of criminal behavior or criminal conduct is the tragedy that occurred at Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia. A former disgruntled employee, Vester Lee Flanagan aka Bryce Williams opened fire on WDBJ news reporter Alison Parker, camera man Adam Ward and chamber of commerce executive woman Vicki Gardner during a live morning broadcast. Flanagan’s criminal conduct was escalated by years of what he claimed as being harassed and a victim of racial slurs and comments as well

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