
Criticism Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby written by F.Scott Fitzgerald illustrates a picture of the American Society during the 1920’s. The 1920’s were a time of parties, drinking and having fun. Many had dreamed of becoming rich and being part of the upper class. Although many wished to be part the upper class it was thought to impossible as almost all of the upper class members in were born into it. In the Great Gatsby Fitzgerald criticizes the American Dream by creating characters of all classes such as those from new money, old money, and the working class who all fail to gain the freedom and happiness of the American Dream. The old American Dream allowed before corruption allowed you to gain wealth, power, and high status through hard work, and dedication. However, since time changes, so do values. The American Dream had altered to materialistic aspects. These materialistic possession determine how successful you are ,and shows it has rooted into the society. Fitzgerald shows this by showing us the locations of where “old money”, and where “new money” live. Residents who live in West Egg are the people who are referred to as “new money” as they usually have recently acquired their wealth , and are lacking a social position. East Egg is home to those called “old money” who have posses wealth that has been inherited through generations. Fitzgerald talks about how people from East Egg tend to have more rights and respect than those who come from West Egg.
Daisy had hoped to find happiness

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