
Crocheted Hemp Scrubbies

Satisfactory Essays

Crochet and knitting is a timeless activity and hobby that are one of the best ways to spend time. With so many different crochet or knitted dishcloth patterns to choose from, the possibilities to what you can create are literally endless. The following pattern ideas are both colorful and extremely easy to make, all of which can be done within hours of each other. Dish scrubbies in particular are easy and fun to make, and last quite a long time. They are a perfect use of any scrap yarn that you may have laying around the house from prior creations, and will look great once you’re done.

Crocheted Hemp Scrubbies

Picture 1 - These crocheted scrubbies are crafted using regular and hemp yarn, and look pretty and elegant when finished. Using a …show more content…

Crochet Fish Scrubbie Washcloths

Picture 1 - If you’re looking for a pattern that will really add a splash of color to your kitchen or your bathroom, then this pattern will do just that.

Picture 2 - If you’re not a fan of using bright colors, or the colors pictured for the pattern are not something you’d like, then using darker colors and one or two lighter colors is also an option, as well.

Nylon Net Scrubbies (Edited)

Picture 1 - I believe this is one of those patterns that has been handed down for many years, as I was taught this pattern by a wonderful older woman, and now I’m sharing it with you. This is a step-by-step tutorial with multiple color photos so you can feel like I’m sitting next to you, teaching you the technique. The finished product is awesome, and I love these scrubbies! I haven’t been without one at the kitchen sink for ten years, and they are perfect for cleaning casserole dishes, your bathtub, and even your car! They won’t scratch your non-stick pans, either. Hands down, these are my favorite item to crochet.

Crocheted Dish Scrubbie Made Out of Net Fabric …show more content…

Textured Dischloth

Picture 1 - For a heavy duty dishcloth, this pattern is definitely where it’s at.

Rainbow Flower Scrubby Dishcloth

Picture 1 - This adorable pattern is both practical and cute.

Picture 2 - This dishcloth features a scratchy, scrubby, bobbled center for tough messes, paired with soft cotton for more delicate surfaces.

Crochet Tawashi Dish Scrubber (Edited)

Picture 1 - Japanese Tawashi, or “dish scrubbies”, have become popular crochet and knit items over the past few years, perhaps because they are small, cute, and useful. They can be washed and dried, which means they don’t get as gross as commercial sponges do! I designed this pattern out of Red Heart Eco-Cotton Blend, which is made of recycled T-shirt remnants. You can also make them out of acrylic for extra scrubbing power. In Japan, they even sell yarn that have silver ions in them, and are antibacterial, which do not need detergent.

Starfish Dishcloths

Picture 1 - For that “Under the Sea” theme, these starfish come in both crochet or knitted dishcloth patterns, and are too

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