
Crooks Relationship Between Of Mice And Men

Decent Essays

Crooks is the loneliest guy on the ranch. He is the only colored man on the ranch and is always called the nigger or the busted back nigger. Being the only colored person on the ranch there is a lot of discrimination and prejudiceness. What also makes him the loneliest person is that he got kicked in the back by a horse so he is hunched over and can barely walk so he can’t do much with the other ranch hands. He is a permanent ranch hand like candy because he can’t travel from his back being crooked. His room is a shack by the barn and it’s full of tools like a shed. From the discrimination he isn’t allowed to stay in the bunkhouse with the other guy’s and isn’t allowed to have a light in his room. Lennie smiled helplessly in an attempt to make friends. Crooks said sharply “You have no right to come in my room. Nobody got any right in here but me” (Pg: …show more content…

“Come on in and set a while.” Crooks said. “Long as you won’t get out and leave me alone. You might as well set down.” His tone sounding more friendly. “George can tell you screwy things and that don’t. It’s just talking with another guy that’s all.” Crooks is in his room mostly all day reading and keeping to himself. A man needs to talk to one another or else they will go nuts. Seeing as tho Lennie can’t hold a long conversation and keeps changing the subject to him tending the rabbits it’s still just talking to another guy. Candy leaned against the wall beside the broken collar while he scratched his wrist stump. “I’ve been here a long time.” He said. “Crooks been here a long time. This is the first time I ever seen his room.” Crooks said darkly. “Guys don’t come into a colored guy’s room very much.” “This is just a nigger an a busted back nigger. So it don’t mean nothin, see?” Crook has been call the N work for so long that he doesn’t get affected by it. Crooks and Candy are permanent ranch hands. Crooks has a crooked back and Candy doesn’t have a left

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