
Crucible Abigail's Torment Quotes

Decent Essays

Abigail's Torment in Act II Although Abigail is not physically present in Act II of The Crucible by Arthur Miller, she affects many of the characters in it. The first person that Abigail affects in Act II is Elizabeth by convicting her of witchcraft. Abigail’s strong love for John Proctor -Elizabeth’s husband- has brewed a strong hatred inside of Abigail. During a conversation with her husband, Elizabeth worriedly cries, “She wants me dead. I knew all week it would come to this!...and what of tomorrow? She will cry me out until they take me!” (Miller 1274). In this quote, Abigail is the obvious “she” that Elizabeth is howling about. Elizabeth is worried that Abigail will continue to torment her until she gets what she wants, although she might

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