
Crucible Reputation Quotes

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The Theme of Reputation in the Crucible In the play “The Crucible” written by Arthur Miller, demonstrates a them that is represented in each character in which they all treasure the most, and that is reputation. Abigail Williams is charged with participation in which craft, and tries save herself by confessing to the court all of the names of the girls she seen with the devil. Reverend Parris is worried about his status in Salem because he is worried that the rehearsal of witchcraft was in his home, and that it might ruin him. Lastly there’s Judge Danforth, and he wants to prove to all and others in the court that he knows how to do his job and he wants respect from the town of Salem. Reputation is a key theme in this play because reputations is important to human lives as well. We all want to be known for great successes and at times we feel that we want to be accepted in society, just like these characters. Abagail Williams is quite the character that is selfish and a big liar. In the beginning Abigail discusses how Elizabeth proctor has said lies about her in the village: “My name is good in the village! I will not have it said my name is soiled! Goody Proctor is a gossiping liar!” (Miller 1178). This quote displays that the things people can say about …show more content…

Abigail Williams protected herself by giving the names all of those she seen with the devil, Reverend Hale just wants to remain the minister of Salem so he tries to shut down the act of witchcraft in his house, and Judge Danforth request respect rom all citizens of Salem and that they know witch hunting is his forte. The reputation in this story was so well demonstrated that it has connected to the reader because she feels each and every characters feeling about their status. Reputation comes with positive and negative effects, it all just depends on what’s best for each and every person, just like in the

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