
Cuba During World War II

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In terms of activity during World War II, many Latin American countries played an active role in the War Effort. Effectively, the war effort also had a large impact on countries in Latin America. Specifically, I will be focusing on the economic, social and political effects that World War II played in Cuba. Cuba’s war involvement was different in terms of the other Latin American countries that were involved. Cuba’s territory at the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico proved to be a valuable area in terms of trading. Cuba also played a vital role in the support of the United States’ Lend-Lease program. Specifically, Cuba played roles in diplomacy, conflict and espionage during World War II.

Throughout World War II, Cuban President Federico Laredo Brú avoided War situations until he left office in 1940; However, Cuba’s involvement in the MS St. Louis affair proved to be an important event during the war. The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner that carried around 900 Jewish refugees from Germany. Cuba refused to allow the Jewish refugees into Cuba because they did not possess the correct documentation necessary to enter Cuba. The MS St. Louis instead sailed north, in which they were also denied entry by the Canadian and US governments. Finally, the German ocean liner sailed travelled back through the Atlantic, landing in Europe. Some of the refugees ended up in Britain; however, the significance of the ship lies in the majority of the refugees landing in Belgium and France,

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