
Cuban Embargo Analysis

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"We will end an outdated approach that... has failed to advance our interests, and instead we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries. Through these changes, we intend to create more opportunities for the American and Cuban people, and begin a new chapter among the nations of the Americas" (President Obama, Official Released Statement). On December 17th, 2014 the American embargo on Cuba, which set restrictions on relations with Cuba, was relaxed after over fifty years. The embargo on Cuba set restrictions on relations in areas such as travel and trade. The initial intention of the embargo was to persuade the Cuban government to attain a new form of government; as the United States disagrees with Cuba's communist position …show more content…

The lifting of bans could provide greater interactions between families of Cuban-Americans (Clement). The embargo caused many to be unable to visit family members in Cuba. The removal of the embargo would not only increase the amount of foreign travelers to Cuba, but would also result in revenue from citizens visiting family, an example of another opportunity travel to Cuba would provide."There are numerous economic, social, and cultural benefits that will flow from free and open access [to Cuba]..." (Mangla). Cuba would become a frequent travel spot for tourists from the United States because of Cuba's close proximity. The expansion of American tourism would benefit airlines, local shops, universities, and restaurants. Authors Jorge Dominquez, professor of International Affairs at Harvard, and Barberia Lorena, professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Sao Paulo, recalled the increase of students studying abroad to Cuba. The professors also found that in 2004 Cuba was one of the top fifteen places of international study. With Cuba's strong position in foreign studies, tourism has the ability to open new education opportunities to students as well as increase the income from travel. As educational opportunities become available, this would result in even more revenue due to the cost of universities and tuition. Students who receive an education in Cuba and return home could have a more positive view of Cuba which could also boost Cuba's position in foreign countries. This growth in tourism to Cuba would lead to an increase of income as well as opening many other possibilities to the Cuban economy with outside

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