
Cultural Differences Between African Identity And Stereotypes

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For instance, I did not realize the discriminations I was facing at an early age was different yet virtually the same to Black Americans' experience. I now understand that my experience has more to do with the diverse types of preconceived ideas people had about me being an African immigrant. In grade school, kids would make negative assumptions because of my broken English and my conservative attire. From my perspective, the difference between the corresponding values of the American culture and the Ethiopian values are how it is approached. Most students in America have the freedom to express themselves whether that is in the way they dress or speak as opposed to some foreign countries where your freedom is restricted due to cultural norms. …show more content…

It is a personal choice because the article, why our African identity matters, started the conversation of why some people choose to not identify themselves as African and they expressed how it is mainly due to slavery and the negative outcomes that occurred. I remember when I was a child, I would always try to avoid saying I was African and simply just say I was black. I would always feel ashamed seeing that the only fixed assumptions my peers could make with is how "everyone in Africa is poor" or "Africa is a violent country." However, when I joined the Tigray Community Center in middle school, I realized what a privilege it was to be African and how fortunate I was to have been born into a beautiful culture. From a personal point of view, I do think that all blacks descended from Africa because that is where our roots began. However, with all the misinformed media coverage of blacks, it is not surprising that many people do not consider themselves as African. It creates even more confusion about their identity when blacks start to see how America, the country that was built of slaves, wants to exclude

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