
Cultural Identity In Beowulf

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According to the World Youth Alliance, “A person’s understanding of their own cultural identity develops from birth and is shaped by the values and attitudes prevalent at home and the surrounding, noting that the cultural identity, in its essence, relates to our need to belong” along with personal experiences shaping every person into who they are. ( Reaching the highest potential of one's identity is influenced by factors that begin as early as birth; starting from the family in which you are born into, to the decisions affected by one’s surroundings. Displaying certain characteristics, eventually helps create the person one is destined to be. Going back to the “heroic age” in which the epic poem Beowulf was set it, the Anglo - Saxon society set valuable expectations as to what made up a hero, and how to live up to them. Men who displayed traits such as bravery, loyalty, and even being religious were looked up upon. Living by these were essential to live up to the “heroic code”, the ultimate test to one’s place in this society. These ways of life were being pressured into men of this era, such as Beowulf. Through Beowulf’s pride and heroic characteristics, he is able to own up to the man he was held accountable to be, through living by these codes of morality. “The valiant man had chosen warriors of the men of the Geats, the boldest he could find; with fourteen others he sought the ship” (unknown, 4). We see

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