
Curtis Pride's Influence On Deaf Culture

Decent Essays

Throughout history, many Deaf individuals have impacted the world, both Deaf and hearing. On December 17, 1968, Curtis Pride was born (Who Is Curtis Pride?, n.d.). When he was nine months old, audiological tests confirmed that he was profoundly deaf (Azael, 2013). After Pride turned two, he was enrolled in the Montgomery Country Public School System’s Auditory Service infant program in Silver Spring, Maryland. From seventh grade on, he was fully mainstreamed into the public school system and graduated high school from John F. Kennedy high school. While in high school, Pride played many sports such as basketball, baseball and soccer. In fact, he broke most of the school records in the three sports for a season, and career, and was a first …show more content…

As a role model to many children, he receives many letters from children who are deaf, have disabilities or from their parents, and he tries to take the time to answer each one personally. He also makes many appearances at events for children with and without disabilities (Who Is Curtis Pride?, n.d.). This says a great deal about his character and how he feels about helping inspire others in the community. By focusing on children, he is changing youth’s outlook on themselves and showing them that they are different, not less, and that they can achieve anything they put their mind to, and be anything they want to be. Just because they cannot hear does not mean that they can’t reach their goals or live their …show more content…

Again through his foundation, Pride has helped incorporate hard of hearing children who want to live predominately in a hearing culture by providing hearing aids through a hearing aid bank (Berke, 2017). Through sports, he has also been a role model to many through baseball which is a staple to American culture. Playing on as many teams as he has, Pride has had the opportunity to inspire many fans from around the country. Major Contributions to Society Despite his success in baseball, Pride’s greatest accomplishments so far are through his service to others. Whether it be helping children overcome adversity, or coaching the sport that he loves at Gallaudet, he helps shape the minds of America’s youth every day. For everything he does, Pride has been recognized and honored in the following ways: • The Alexander Graham Bell Association “National Role Model of the Year” (Who is Curtis Pride?, n.d.). • Tony Conigliaro Award for overcoming adversity through the attributes of spirit, courage and determination (Who is Curtis Pride?, n.d.). Childhood

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