
Dakota Access Pipeline Research Paper

Decent Essays

Oil is one resource America relies heavily on. Oil has a negative impact on the environment and has long lasting affects. The Dakota Access Pipeline is a major controversial topic in the news. The Dakota Access Pipeline is being used to transport oil from North Dakota to Illinois. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is located where the pipeline will be passing through. The pipeline disrupts the lives of the Native Americans who live there. I believe that the Dakota Access Pipeline should not be built because of the affects on the environment and goes against the rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Greider and Garkovich’s Landscapes: The Social Construction of Nature and the Environment discusses how the environment we live in is apart of our landscape. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe sees their landscape as sacred and a place they need to protect. Greider and Garkovich describe the environments around us are symbolic to who we are and what we see as important. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has one drinking source where they pipeline would run …show more content…

The burial grounds were built by the tribe and show the tribes beliefs. The burial grounds are apart of the landscape that the tribe built. Greider and Garkovich state, “Cultural groups transform the natural environment into landscapes through the use of different symbols that bestow different meanings on the same physical objects or conditions” (Greider and Garkovich 2). The tribe transformed their land in to a place with sacred meaning. The pipeline disrupts and changes the landscape of a place the tribe considers sacred. The burial ground is a landscape that reflects the beliefs of the tribe. The pipeline is changing the lives of the Native Americans. The burial site represents the tribe. It is a way of showing the beliefs of the tribe which contribute to who they are as a

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