
Damning Of The Masses Essay

Decent Essays

Damning of the Masses

That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and

believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,

you will be saved.

--Romans 10: 9

From the time we are small children sitting in Sunday school not able to fully grasp the love of God that we sing simple songs about, we are taught that Jesus was sent to earth to love us no matter what. The Puritan congregation listening to Jonathan Edwards’ sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry …show more content…

20:11 note). Edwards interprets this fear as trepidation and terror, allowing no room for our souls to

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love God as he loves us.

Edwards also fails to emphasize a major thematic concept of the Bible-- love. The word love is used in 539 verses of the Bible. In this sermon it is used only four times. Only two of those times directly refer to Christ’s love for us. Edwards seems to have shaded this crucial aspect of salvation.

In the very small section of Edwards’ sermon that he gives his listeners a way out of being dropped like a spider into the fiery lake, he fails to give their terror release, still making his message into a threat. Jesus never threatened. God never finds pleasure in the damning of men’s souls. The Lord wishes only for us to be with him.

I agree with Edwards that if we do not come to Christ and obey His commands that we will spend eternity in hell, but I also believe that our God is a god of infinite grace and love. This is something Edwards seems not to have felt or appears to have interpreted in a way that makes God into a spiteful, jealous god waiting to crush us at any moment. If only Edwards would have realized how crucial Christ’s message of love was to the salvation of his congregation. His powerful invitation of deliverance would have given people hope and a more

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