
Dark strands of hair flailed about my head as I spun around, arms snaking its way through the

Good Essays

Dark strands of hair flailed about my head as I spun around, arms snaking its way through the sheets for its targets. The space besides me was cold. He was on call at the hospital, after all, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise he might be gone. As I so often did. A deft finger swiped across the iPhone to check the time, as well as looking for assurance. Sis’s flight cancelled, asked for Matty. Gone to drop him back. Love you. Well, I wasn’t going to complain about having hours of extra sleep without having to listen to my potential nephew cry his way through the night. It was all very new, living with a man permanently. Integrating into something remotely resembling a family. The red sun was still making its way from its slumber, the …show more content…

Nevertheless, I should scold myself for not having closed the curtains. A faint blush heat up my cheeks as I prayed nobody had spied the events of the previous evening through the clear glass. I waited until the revving of his bike dissipated into the distance before moving the inspect source of disturbance. There was no radio in the flat. But yet there was music. A sigh of frustration escaped my pursed lips and I made my way into the kitchen, snatching the largest knife found. A weapon of minimal use, even in the hands of a skilled master. The wooden floorboards creaked with every cautious step tiptoed towards the crescendo of violin strings. It was like an enactment of a horror film, the edgy music accompanying the damsel about to meet her doom. A limp hand poked through the ajar door to the study. In wild panic, I kicked upon the door and fell to my knees, having recognised the familiar watch, the blue checked shirt being the same my man wore last night to movies, before being strewn onto the floor in our flurry of passion. A fitful of curses flew out of my mouth as I failed to recognise the pale face. Unblinking cerulean eyes. Unmoving. Two fingers rest above the carotids. The skin was still warm, but neither pulse nor breath could be detected. I struggled to shift the weight to inspect the source of damage, which presented itself as warm liquid seeped its way through my trousers. Drenched with red within a matter of

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