
David Foster Wallace Meaning Of Water

Decent Essays

The Meaning of Water Being in a crowded area, and someone giving a speech and all we can think is what is the point of this speech? Or who is this speech for? Many Kenyon graduates, of the year 2005, can relate when they were listening to David Foster Wallace in their commencement speech. Many people can agree that the last thing these graduates want to do is to be in this really long ceremony before they can go on and start their lives with whatever career they decided to study. Wallace does not only make a really good speech to capture his audience attention, but he does it in a really unique professional way. When it comes to speech pathos, logos, and ethos is very important and each one of those things need to be in the speech in order …show more content…

Pathos is emotion to capture the audience attention; this means it can be humor, beauty, and pity. Logos is logic or evidence. An example of logos would be personal experience, facts, statistics, and expert authority. Ethos stands for Ethical appeal. Another way of putting it is if the person presenting is creditable, knowledgeable, honest, and open-minded. If the speaker is being bias to his idea many people may start wondering off and not paying attention to the speaker because they are not being open-minded and in some cases even rude to other people’s opinion. The other terms are audience and tone. It is important to know who the targeted audience is because if we are giving a speech to little kids it needs to be formatted in a way that will keep them entertained. The tone of the speech is also important because using different tones at the right time can keep the audience engaged. I am only going to talk about David Foster Wallace’s speech “This is Water” that he gave on May 21, 2005 to the Kenyon College …show more content…

I will bring it back to the grocery store because that example had a little bit of everything because he uses imagery to explain the environment not only at the store, but even when he is on his way to the store and driving. A way Foster used ethos in the grocery store was because most adults, specially the parents, can relate to that scenery. They had a long day at work and all they want to do is go home, eat, and relax forget about work, but instead they have to go to the store because they do not have anything to eat at home. An example Foster used in ethos is “you work hard for eight or ten hours, and at the end of the day you’re tired and somewhat stressed and all you want is to go home and have a good supper and maybe unwind for an hour, and hit the sack early” This is a great example because most parents have felt like this, but maybe not all students have a job, but they did go to school which means they have had those really long days at school that they end up stressing and really tired and all they want to do is relax. He did a really good job with relating with his audience because maybe not all his audience has a job, but they have felt like that at one point in their lives which catches the audience attention and keeps them interested in what Foster was talking

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