
Death And The Miser Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

The theme we created for Death and the Miser is “Sometimes, the most difficult choice can turn out to be the best one.” Every single one of us at some point in our lives is going to have to make a tough decision. Some take a little more thinking than others. For example, the Miser was having trouble deciding whether to choose between good or evil, while he was aware of the consequences. He knew that no matter what decision he made, his life was going to change drastically. When Death refuses to kill him, he realizes that he had made the wrong decision and ended up being rewarded with the money and being sent to heaven. I am going to demonstrate my theme through the book A Month of Summer (Blue Sky Hill #1) by Lisa Wingate and the Jeopardy Theme Song by Merv Griffin. …show more content…

A book that directly applies to my theme is A Month of Summer (Blue Sky Hill #1) by Lisa Wingate. This book contains a quote that applies to my book. For example, it states “the hardest thinking about the road not taken is that you never know where it may have lead.” This quote is related to my theme because in the story, the Miser had a difficult time choosing between good and bad. He wasn’t sure what would best suit his needs. He was stuck between falling for the temptation or to follow the angel’s path to crucifixion. If he were to fall for the temptation, he would never know what would have happened if he followed the angel’s path. On the other hand, if he would have followed the angel’s path to crucifixion, he wouldn’t ever know the outcome of choosing the

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