
Death Becomes Her Analysis

Decent Essays

Death Becomes Her is a 1992 fantasy comedy where Academy Award winner Meryl Streep (2012, The Iron Lady, IMDb) and Golden Globe Winner Goldie Hawn (1970- Cactus Flower, IMDb) star in, where two middle-age women find an elixir that promises to grant eternal physically youth in order to compete for the love of wealthy plastic surgeon played by Bruce Willis. Similar to the premise of this movie, eternal youth has been a topic of debate among societies expectations to be young and beautiful for others admiration. Society plays a large part and is the culprit that perpetuates the standards of beauty for women and increasingly for men to live up to which often times are unrealistic expectations damaging to the character of the individual, which the media has placed for everyone to emulate. The purpose of the media is to sell their products using models with good looks to entice the consumer and portrays these images …show more content…

However, once the older generation who are aging and “gravity’ takes hold, grays come in, wrinkles begin to appear and elasticity and firmness turns into sagging body parts. The pressure to remain young affects them considerably because youth is escaping them as they progress in years as looks begin to fade. Because we are in a society where appearance equates to acceptance in the job market and I social settings. Images of beauty is exposed and represented in everyday lives, such as in sports, magazines issues, movies, book novels. Both men and women must meet the “Hollywood” standards of beauty and good looks if they want to remain employable and it trickles down to local soap operas and sit coms. Children, especially young girls learn representation of female beauty from the toys they play with like Barbie dolls with short skirts and long blond hair with high heels and face makeup. On the other hand, boys play with super hero action toys who are muscular and

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