
Death Penalty Thesis

Decent Essays

This research paper is on mentally retarded (intellectually disabled) offenders and the death penalty. The death penalty is the highest punishment handed to criminals. Capital punishment plays an emotional role in the United States; it affects ethics and questions cruelty in our society. In this paper, I delve into what the death penalty is, the difference between mentally retarded and mentally ill offenders, also, how past court cases have shaped and impacted the death penalty today regarding its sensitive issues. The amalgamation of adult crime, juvenile crime, sexual offenses, murder, the mentally ill and mental retardation can lead to potential complications on what is justified as right, regarding the death penalty. Furthermore, some agree …show more content…

Implicating that some people are for it while others are opposed to it. Crime itself will never come to a halt, we can only slow it down (deterrence) and create safer neighborhoods by enforcing more austere laws. The death penalty is the ultimate punishment for the act of a crime. Yet murders and other horrendous crimes still occur, leading to some states banning the death penalty. Throughout the years, the procedure of the death penalty and executing a person has become longer and more complex process, in order to avoid the execution of an innocent person. The situation becomes even more complicated when we add mentally retarded offenders to a case. Mental retardation is now referred to as “intellectual disability” and it relates to adaptive behavior and intellectual functioning. Intellectual disability is a sensitive topic. For example, imagine if someone in your family was murdered and the person who committed the crime was arrested but that person is intellectually disabled. The offender will not be treated or charged as a normal person would. Leaving the grieving family with mixed emotions. Crimes involving children who have been sexually abused or a murder by a mentally retarded person can be tough to swallow, especially knowing that the offender will be receiving some sort of special …show more content…

Mental retardation is a disability that occurs either in the womb, at birth or during childhood, before the age of eighteen. When these individuals become criminals by law, is it fair to treat them the same way we would treat a criminal with an average IQ, who revel in the crime and receive pleasure from evil? The death penalty as a whole is a very delicate situation. According to Lee and Hall (2017), “Although the death penalty was viewed as an acceptable form of punishment at the time the U.S. Constitution was created, it did not take long for various states to begin to limit or even ban such practices” (p.

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