
Death With Dignity

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Death with Dignity
The Greek word eu, which means good or well, and thanatosis, which means death, form the term euthanasia; therefore, it can be interpreted as “Good Death, Gentle and Easy Death, and acknowledge as mercy killing.” (A General History) People have suffered through the ages; in all times there has been mentally and physically ill persons, children and adults with disabilities, and incurable diseases. To relieve these patients from the burden of existence, euthanasia was practiced as a way to protect society from unnecessary burdens. Today, the suffering of an individual could be relieved if euthanasia was legalized. People have the right to die by their own will if they are in agony from an incurable disease.
Passive and active are two types of euthanasia. Medical treatment that has been removed from a patient with the purpose of causing death is passive euthanasia, though, the correct Greek term is orthothanasia. Active is when a doctor or personnel take specific physical actions to cause a patient’s death, such as a lethal injection. The “do not resuscitate order,” is a common example of passive euthanasia, personnel are intentionally not trying to save a patient. Hindering a patient from food and fluids is another approach to passive, they undernourished a person until death. If a patient desire that someone ends his life is known as voluntary; non-voluntary is the action of taking a patient’s life without his awareness and authorization. Cases of

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