
Essay about Death in Dickinson

Decent Essays

Emily Dickinson is one of the most popular American poets of all time. Her poetry is seen as intense and passionate. Several of her many poems seem to be devoted to death and sadness. No one seems to know the exact connections between actual events in her life and the poetry that she wrote. The reader can see vivid images of Dickinson's ideas of death in several of her poems. Dickinson's use of imagery and symbolism are apparent in several of her death poems, especially in these three: "I Felt a Funeral in My Brain," "I Heard a Fly Buzz-When I Died," and "Because I Could Not Stop for Death."

In Dickinson's poem "I Felt a Funeral in My Brain," the reader is given a picture of how Emily Dickinson sees death. The title of the poem …show more content…

Perhaps this image is given because Dickinson is using a bit of humor to show how death is nothing to be excited or worried about. She explains the atmosphere in the room as a place where "The Eyes around-had wrung them dry-/And Breaths were gathering firm (Dickinson 5-6)." This seems to show the reader that everyone is sad and trying to accept her death. However, the fact that she notices a fly buzzing is rather ironic and humorous. It is so because when a person is about to die, one might think that the dying person's thoughts would be concentrated on important ideas and life. However, her attention was focused on a fly. This shows the reader that Dickinson is so bored with death and the activities surrounding it that she notices a fly buzzing over her. Perhaps this was just another way that Dickinson shows her ideas of death, as simply part of life that is not to be fussed over.

Another great poem that Dickinson devotes to death is "Because I Could Not Stop for Death. In this poem, the reader again sees death as a pleasant event. Death is described as a gentleman that stops to help a lady, "Because I could not stop for Death-/He kindly stopped for me- (Dickinson 1-2)." The "I" of the poem has no time for death, but he is so considerate and polite that he thoughtfully stops for her. In the last three lines of the second stanza, Dickinson reveals that she is neither ready

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