
Death 's Shocking Truth By Emily Dickinson

Decent Essays

“Death’s shocking truth “

Emily Dickinson wrote two poems “I heard a buzz when- I died” and “Because I could not stop for death”. In these two poems, Emily Dickinson, describes two very different death experiences. While doing so Dickinson describes what she believes death to be. The poem “I Heard a buzz when I died,” takes a rough route to death with an even rougher shock. The other poem “Because I could not stop for death,” takes a gentler route to death with a not so gentle shock. However out of these poems, “I heard a buzz - when I died, “receives the worst shock. This character faces the brutal shock of death without any closure. Tension build up is one reason “I heard a buzz when I died, “is more shocking. Dickerson does a good job build up to the death. Rather than just dying Dickinson describes vivid revelations prior to death. In the first stanza of “I heard a buzz when died,” Dickinson describes a room full of stillness. There are people in this room but no movement or sound. The stillness is a representation of the calm before the storm. We can all agree Dickinson is foreshadowing something intense was about to happen. While in the first stanza of “I could not stop for death,” the naive character is simply picked up and greeted by death himself .This character is spared the negative thoughts of what death feels like. The character has nothing to worry about. She has met death straight on and isn 't afraid. According to Frank Bernhard, author of

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