
Declaration Of Independence Day Analysis

Decent Essays

The approaching July 4 marks two hundred and forty one years since the Declaration of Independence was signed and our nation was liberated from the British. This event had an immense impact on the culture of the thirteen colonies then and now. Instead of existing just for the purpose of the “Mother Country,” New England, they were a sovereign state with one centralized government, that they controlled. Numerous individuals, like Gordon S. Wood, have come out publicly to express their concern that Independence Day, the day that essentially shaped our modern civilization, is losing its significance in society today. Wood believes that humanity is obligated to know the history of Independence Day and why it is important in able to celebrate. …show more content…

Wood states, “since it [ the Declaration of Independence] is our most sacred text, the day, July 4, 1776, that gave birth to it ought to be understood with all the significance and solemnity that John Adams gave to it” (Wood). Wood thinks society need to recognize the importance behind the celebration, instead of just partying because it is a holiday, and I agree. I think to legitimately have U.S. civilians understand the purpose of July 4, you have to start at a young age, because children are the most impressionable. The government could start in schools, and explain the event with the amount of details depending on the education level. Teachers have an enormous influence on children, and having one of their role models express the importance of this event will impact them immensely. In addition to school, children are also exposed to social media, which affects a child’s mindset; therefore, T.V. providers could include the event into popular adolescent T.V. shows. A child watching their favorite T.V. show, with their favorite characters describing what the Declaration represents could spread the significance substantially among America’s youth. For the older generations, T.V. stations could also play a brief documentary on the Declaration and advertise it on newspapers and the radio. With saying this, the government should not be too strict with forcing the people to watch or listen because that contradicts statements stated in the Declaration; but, displaying awareness for this event could cause society to pay more attention to the actual significance and meaning behind July 4,

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