
Decreasing Readmissions Of Post Myocardial Infarction Patients

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DECREASING READMISSIONS OF POST MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION PATIENTS Renee Robidart Nursing Theory IV March 4, 2015 Introduction “Each year, an estimated 785,000 American have a first acute myocardial infarction” (Dunlay, et al, 2012, p 11). Understanding the disease process of MI, providing quality collaborative care, and instituting treatment of comorbid conditions can significantly reduce the incidence of re-hospitalization for these patients. Psychobiological Finding of Myocardial Infarction “Myocardial infarction occurs when myocardial tissue is abruptly and severely deprived of oxygen. When blood flow is quickly reduced by 80% to 90%, ischemia develops. Ischemia can lead to injury and necrosis of myocardial tissue if blood flow is not restored” (Ignativicus & Workman, 2013, p 829). When the heart is hypoxic, the vessels vasodilate and catecholamines are released, in an effort to carry more hemoglobin rich red blood cells to the site of infarction. These protective mechanisms actually increase the oxygen demand of the heart by increasing the workload and cause further hypoxia of the myocardial tissues. In as little as six hours, ischemic myocardial tissue, necrotic tissue, and ventricular remodeling can occur. Ventricular remodeling is a permanent effect on the heart that can occur if the infarction is not treated quickly enough. Scar tissue forms in the left ventricle which affects its functionality. This condition is associated with a high risk of chronic

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