
Definition Essay: An American Is Everyone

Decent Essays

An American is Everyone American is a word that has a highly debated definition. It is a topic that has been talked about since the beginning of America and it has been argued by both presidents and citizens alike. Americans are people who, no matter their background, goes through life in an almost fearless fashion, conquering challenges as they come to them. An American shows who they are by having certain mental aspects like having an innovative mind, living by the ideals of the country, and being passionate about what they do. America was built on certain ideals that shape the government of the country. Some of these ideals include everyone being of equal creation and the thought that every person has the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. These can be interpreted in many different ways by many different people. No matter what an …show more content…

When well- known Americans are brought up, many are recognized for their inventions or innovation to daily life. For example, Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the airplane. The Wright brothers were Americans that worked for years to invent the airplane and failed many times, but they refused to be daunted by their task and they continued to work until they succeeded. The airplane drastically changed life and would become an important innovation in American history. Another important example is Steve Jobs. He created Apple a popular brand for iphones and computers. After founding Apple he would be fired from his job there. He did not give up. Instead he created Pixar a contributor to the movie industry. Jobs is an example of how an American should never give up and always persevere through challenges. Americans should always seek to better their lives and by extension the lives of others through hard work and

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