
Definition Essay Sacrifice

Decent Essays

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; 'tis dearness only that gives everything its value (Thomas Paine)." Think about it... What do you think is the meaning of this sentence? In this quote Thomas Paine explains his way of saying that when someone gives you something you don't value it as much then when you make sacrifices and work hard to obtain that something. Those sacrifices make that something valuable. If you're wondering what a sacrifice is and how will you know when to make one. Well, you're in luck because I'm going to discuss the different types of sacrifices there are, what you can gain from that sacrifice, and when it's the appropriate time to make a sacrifice. So, first is what's a sacrifice. So what are the different …show more content…

Well, they include the sacrifice of time, comfort, money, and energy. First, I'll talk about the sacrifice of time. Have you heard the saying "Time is Money," well, in some ways, that's true, where you use your time effectively for that something and not using that time for non-useful things. For example, when someone wants to give a very special gift, so they make the gift themselves. Well, doing something usually takes a lot of time. I've made this sacrifice quite a few times like when I wanted to make a dress for my sister. I use lots of my time to make it. Do you see how your time can be a sacrifice when you want to achieve something. Second, will talk about the sacrifice of comfort. When someone gives up something in order to help someone else, though you loose that comfort. For example, in movies, or in real life you may see a couple walking around at night and the girl is cold because …show more content…

There are certain times when you feel or need to make a sacrifice which are when you could help, feel obligated, have a goal, or care about someone. First, I'll talk about the time when you could help. When you see someone in need or in help, don't you feel like you would do anything to help them? That person could be a family member or just someone in the street. An example is buying your family member that is sick in the hospital a get well card or balloons. Another time for a sacrifice is when you feel obligated. When you feel you need to do something that's either personal or for someone else. Such as when you feel you need to do this one thing that you parents always wanted to do but never had the chance. You would do it for them. Next appropriate time to make a sacrifice is when you have a goal. Whenever you have a goal you would always want to accomplish it. An example is the goal of losing weight. If your goal is to lose weight then you would do your best to achieve that goal. Last, appropriate sacrifice is when you care about someone. When you care about someone, wouldn't you want to help them or make them happy. Examples could be buying gift cards, getting flowers for valentines day, helping someone build their tree house, and much more. Do you now know when a sacrifice should be

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