
Definition Essay: What Defines A Hero

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What defines a hero? To me being a hero means having integrity, bravery, and is daring. Heroes are literally everywhere, from people in your neighborhood to your local fire or police department.
When you hear the word hero do you automatically think of the main superhero from a movie, or comic book? Well hero’s can be anywhere, even strangers can be heroes, you just may not realize it. Heros don't have to be a main character in a book or play. A hero is anyone that has integrity. Integrity means you are honest and you do the right thing when no one is looking. The personal integrity helped Nelson Mandela win South Africa’s first democratic presidential election. When a hero has integrity it means the hero is being selfless. A hero that is selfless, is a hero that cares about more than him or herself. For example, when you are in school and someone makes a mess, and they just leave it, a hero will clean it up, even though it wasn't their mess. Integrity means you are honest, and have strong moral principles. …show more content…

The person i'm about to tell you about is beyond a brave hero; Ms. Helen Keller. Helen keller was not only deaf and blind, she was the first person to graduate from college while being deaf and blind. As Helen Keller once said “ Be heroes in the army of construction”. I believe she is saying that you should stick for what is right, even if no one follows. She used to get bullied for not talking, or being able to hear or see. When she was 10 she communicated with her teacher, Anne Sullivan, and said “i was to learn to speak with my mouth.” This basically means that she was tired of signing everything, and wanted to be able to speak. This was incredibly brave maybe add and heroic here for someone who couldn't hear or see or, at the time,

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