
Definition Essay: What Makes A Person To Be Successful?

Decent Essays

Everyone has their own personal thoughts of what success really is to oneself. Everyone has their own definition and understanding of success. Some people think that being successful consists of having lot's of money, having material items, or even having things that most regular people don't have. Usually Material things don't last and can only make you happy for a certain amount of time just like money, people think that money is the major key to success but it's not just the only thing. Happiness and future are the things that I think are what you should get out of your success. Others would differ but Unlike other people I have my own understanding and It's not money nor diamonds it's more deeper than that.

To me success means that …show more content…

Also I'll know I'm successful when I can finally say '' I did it'' and feel good about it knowing that all that hard work and stress payed off. Working at a job that I'm really passionate about even though it doesn't pay much is success. People tend to study for things that make high income even though they completely hate it. For example I always wanted to become a homicide detective usually it's hard for a female to become a detective because it's usually a man's job. Usually detectives don't get payed much but it's not about the money it's about helping others in my community and most importantly doing what I love.

After I'm successful I'm not going to give up I'm going to keep setting goals for myself more advanced than the ones before and I'm going to strive to improve myself. Once I'm successful I want to travel and explore the world because that's something I always wanted to do. I am a very adventurous person so I like doing new things and taking risks. After I have a little fun I want to start a family and I want to be a great example for my children. I want them to look up to me and try to be better than I was.

In conclusion, Success is what's going to build your future I want to do what I love and just be happy and live life to the fullest. Your success is in your hands you choose what you want to do in life. Only you

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