
Delusional Thinking In A Tell-Tale Heart

Decent Essays

Delusional thinking is practically deceiving yourself by believing outrageous things. Delusional thoughts are often a sign of mental illness. says that a delusional thought is “A belief that is clearly false and that indicates an abnormality in the affected person's content of thought.” The short horror story, A Tell-Tale Heart,written by Edgar Allan Poe is about an unnamed narrator/protagonist who explains to the readers that he is sane and isn’t a madmen, while he is also describing a murder he had committed. A murder about an old man with a pale blue vulture eye with a film over it. He seemed insane. However, what could be said is that the narrator killed the man for the special reason because of the eye. He was premeditated and organized and had it all well thought out, so his state of mind would seem just fine. The state of mind of the narrator from The Tell-Tale Heart showed that he had a mental illness …show more content…

The narrator had irrational thoughts and reasoning, had focused on killing the man because of his vulture eye, and he had heard, felt and must’ve seen things different than the neighbors or the old man had. Just like Cody. The narrator had killed a man for the way his eye looked (the eye freaked the narrator out). That was illogical and very fixated towards the man’s eye. The narrator had a possibility of making up his acute senses without the true knowledge of whether they were fake or not. After analyzing the text and comparing the story to a real life one, you can figure out whether the narrator had a mental illness or not. Now from reading, the answer was solved to some who may read this, which is that he did have a mental illness. After reading this, you, the reader, might have a better chance on depicting whether a murderer has the insanity defense or not. The insanity defense keeps those who committed a crime and are mentally ill out of jail but into psychiatric

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