
Democratic Government, Search For Truth, And Autonomy

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Theoretical Perspective

There are three arguments for free speech which is Democratic Government, Search for Truth, and Autonomy. According to “The first philosophical justification of free speech is that free speech is essential for the proper functioning of a democratic government. An environment of open debate and dialogue will give lawmakers the opportunity to critically examine possible public policies of every variety. Democracy involves a wide spectrum of opinions about what is best for society, and it is impossible for law makers to act on them all” ( This can also be applied to college campuses. In order to be a place of higher education the same rules apply. Free Speech is also essential for the proper functioning of a college or university. …show more content…

According to “Imagine a primitive village that for centuries has gotten its water by hauling it in buckets from a stream a mile away. Someone then comes up with the idea of diverting the stream to bring it closer to the village, but the community elders silence him since the implementation of his idea would disrupt the village’s longstanding tradition. The elders might even see the practical benefit of diverting the stream, but feel that doing so would change the daily rituals of the community, and possibly create discord among the villagers. We could imagine similar scenarios where leaders suppress new ideas about agricultural production, medicine, or building construction, all of which would hinder any advance in scientific knowledge” ( By refusing other individuals voice of opinions blocks the truth from society. “In this sense, free speech is a requirement in the search for truth—both scientifically and

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