
Dentistry Professionalism

Decent Essays

Dentistry also requires a great amount of professionalism; similar to competence, the reputation I build not only represents me but the whole profession in the eyes of patients. I believe that a professional model for dental office includes the following core characteristics: protection of the community, promotion of oral health, reliable patient service, and honorable conduct both inside and outside of the office. Looking back, the committees and organizations I have been part of, such as Texas Pre-Dental Society and Vietnamese United, have helped me develop a deep sense of professionalism. In short, professionalism hinges heavily on representing your profession well and with the utmost respect.

Compassion is also important in dentistry. In the practice, our attention is on the patient and being empathetic towards others helps us respond appropriately to them and their needs. My strong sense of compassion has roots in the relationships I formed with peer brothers in my college Christian fellowship. We were taught to live for others and put them above ourselves; if a brother was going through a difficult time, all of us would put down what we were doing and rush to their sides for support and prayer. In order to build trust and care for my future patients, it is important for me to be attentive, responsive, and sensitive to them. …show more content…

My temperance is exercised daily where I live by the mantra, “live life in moderation.” I am able to practice self-control in everyday tasks; for example, I am able to manage my time well in knowing when to study and when to take a break to avoid burning out. A couple of hours of studying consists of short breaks and a period of leisure time afterward to either strengthen the body through exercise or the mind through creative

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