
Denton Little's Death Date Essay

Decent Essays

The novel Denton Little’s Death Date by Lance Rubin is about seventeen year old Denton Little, a high school senior, who lives in a world exactly like our own except that updates in science have made it possible to accurately predict almost everyone’s death date. Denton Little is due to die on the day of his senior prom, ironically with the theme of Livin It Up, though is unsure as to how and when. Despite his early status, death date before the age of 21, Denton has always wanted to live a normal life. With only two days left of his life and preparing for his funeral, his seemingly last hours as his death approaches are jam packed with Denton surrounded with drama and chaos as he uncovers a possible conspiracy, a strange cop who keeps following him around, a strange man who promises he knows mysterious …show more content…

In the novel Denton questions how he might die and wishes he knew. He tosses around ideas like a “car accident? Trip and fall? Stung by a bee and it turns out [he’s] allergic? Infected by some Ebola-like virus? Mysterious brain thing a la Ashley Miller? Or: straight up murdered?” (Rubin 17). It seems to be a pattern that nobody knows exactly how they will die. Though the use of science, Astro-Thanato-Genetics or ATG, is able to accurately predict the date of death, it is not able to detect the time of day nor how they die. By studying a baby’s hair and blood and DNA of the parents, scientists are able to determine one’s death date. There is an idea in the novel that has a hole in it which is that the science of determining one's death can predict not just deaths from to health issues, like cancer, but can determine death from completely unrelated issues and incidents, like suicide, murder, car accidents and plenty more. Though this is not what the book ts necessarily about, it is something that was most interesting throughout the

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