
Depictions of Mark Zuckerburg in The Social Network

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In the film The Social Network, directed by David Fincher, the character Mark Zuckerberg is depicted as an arrogant, egocentric person who will lie and harm the people around him to get to where he wants. Zuckerberg’s ex-girlfriend Erica Albright brakes up with him and as a result of his emotions of that night, he creates a website that becomes very popular within hours of being up, and ultimately crashes the schools connection. The name Zuckerberg then becomes very popular, and the Winklevoss twins reach out to him for help to build a new innovating social networking website. This is the beginning of a giant chain reaction that each decision leads to another bigger conflict. Mark Zuckerbergs arrogance is seen throughout the entire film, but his arrogance is predominantly seen in the opening scene, when Zuckerberg is with Erica Albright, at a bar, and not listening to a word of what she is saying. He says “how do you distinguish yourself in a population of people who all got 1600 on their SAT’s?” to later acknowledge he was talking about himself (Fincher, 2010). This is the opening scene and we already know a few things about the character character: he is very smart, he knows it, and he likes to show it off. As a result of his arrogance, Zuckerberg loses his girlfriend. It might seem as if Mark Zuckerberg is a robot, but he can understand emotions. It’s just that they do not rank as high in his mind as they do in others. When Zuckerberg drunkenly wrote the blog post

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