
Deportation Of The United States Essay

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Deportation in the United States
Immigration has and still a dilemma for the United States. Immigration has shaped the United States as a nation since the first newcomers arrived over 400 years ago. Immigrants contribute deeply to many of the economic, social, and political processes that are foundational to the United States as a nation. Millions of immigrants are deported every year. The ethnicity of immigrants living in the United States come from all around. Mexico has the largest population of immigrants coming to America. “The number of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States is estimated to 11.2 million, the majority of whom are from Mexico” (Boehm, 32). Some immigrants entered the United States illegally (by crossing the U.S. Border) and some through a visit visa.
Immigration is associated with deportation. What is deportation? “Deportation is a major law enforcement system that looms over the tens of millions non-citizens who live, study, and work in this country” (Kanstroom, 2007). Other will see deportation as a punishment but it isn’t. it is a restitution, which is restoring the status quo, making things like they were before the crime happened. According to the article No Human Being is Illegal, Cesar and Garcia quoted, “Furthermore, expanding Congress’s power is the law’s view, developed in cases stretching as far back as 1882, that deportation Is not a punishment for crime. It does not matter to the supreme court, which has repeatedly endorsed

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