
Descartes Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

When considering the case of God (or some creature of the sort of an angel), Descartes cites that God is not a deceiver, and thus that God could not be directly or indirectly conveying these ideas (with the indirect case being via some creature which only eminently contains the objective reality of these ideas and not formally). Descartes further establishes this point in stating that God did not grant a faculty by which one could determine that such a source (God or a being nobler than a body) was indeed supplying the ideas via some active faculty. Furthermore, God “has given…a great propensity to believe that they [, meaning the ideas of sensible objects] are produced by corporeal things” (Descartes 55). Thus, the active faculty must not be in God or any being nobler than a body. Rather, Descartes concludes that such an active faculty must be within something corporeal which therefore means that corporeal things do indeed exist. …show more content…

At first, one may have a certain qualm concerning the conclusion, being that there is still the issue as to whether these corporeal things resemble what it is that one perceives through sensation. However, Descartes quickly establishes that these corporeal things “may not all exist in a way that exactly corresponds with [one’s] sensory grasp of them…but at least they possess all the properties which [one] clearly and distinctly understand[s],” which are basically those properties concerning “pure mathematics” (Descartes 55). It is then further established that objects, in so far as they are sensed, need not fully resemble how they are when Descartes suggests that it is false to consider that “the heat in a body is something exactly resembling the idea of heat which is in me; or that when a body is white or green, the selfsame whiteness or greenness which I perceive through my senses is present in the body” (Descartes 56-57). Thus, Descartes considers that the bodies which have the active faculty both correspond to

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