
Descartes Skepticism: The Mind-Body Problem

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The Mind-body Problem: The main idea in this reading is that the mind and body are attached to each other. The Descartes’ Skepticism argues that our bodies and minds are an enigma and we do not know if it’s real or not. The whole idea behind the Descartes’ Skepticism is that we never know what is real and what is dreamed up in our unconscious mind. Stoic Philosophy of Mind: The Stoic believe that the mind is physical that has a material existence. They hold the same belief about the soul; they describe the soul as “hot, fiery breath that infused the physical body.” At birth we have a clean soul and as we grow and age we learn rationality. Rationality helps us think about everyone around us when we make moral decisions. The Stoic also talks …show more content…

In their belief system the mind, and intellect are thought to be material. The further to break down the mind and consider it to be the sixth sense for humans and it can be the best or worst thing for a person. People try to reach the goal of the Vedantic scholl, which means that someone is in full control and are able to achieve self-realization. The soul which is considered to be the most important part, because it takes precedence or sometimes referred to as the atman. Atman is the spiritual life of the …show more content…

From our birth we are given love from our parents and then as adults we find someone to love and have children that we love. But, even without the eros love, we see philia love everyday when we deal with coworkers, friends, and the person behind the counter at the gas station, because showing someone just a bit of kindness is showing love. On a more grand scheme of things with the agape love we include a brotherly love for humanity. I also agree with the reading when they talked about love being more than just a emotion and that it stems deeper into our souls then we

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