
Describe A Memorable Day In Your Life

Decent Essays

Shante Fox Exam: 98609801 Student Id: 21803485 Describe a memorable day in your life. To choose one memorable time in my life is not an easy task. There are many occasions in my life that stand out, many even prepared me to be the woman I am today. One of those moments, the day my daughter was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. That day was my first lesson in patience and fueled my ability in research. Yes, I admit I was very nervous and concerned. I educated myself by reading numerous books. You could even go as far as to say I was obsessed with everything I heard and read about ADHD. I wanted to become knowledgeable and not just take the word of others. I became so involved in the research I felt as though I knew everything there was to know about the disorder, not true; each child is unique in their own right, everything I could get my hands on, no measure of research could explain or prepare me for what my daughter was dealing with. In turn, I put the instruction guide away and learned from my daughter, her feelings, her actions, her triggers, and her frustrations. I wanted to allow Taylor, my daughter, to teach me her Mother, what she needed from me, no longer what her diagnosis needed. I will say this, the journey has been long and rough. Various medications, issues at school, many trips to various Doctors, change of diet, isolation, and even Taylor's declination of self-worth at times. I blamed myself a lot of times, especially when

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