
Describe Dimmesdale 's New Strange Feelings About Himself

Decent Essays

Chapter 20­-21 – Describe Dimmesdale’s new strange feelings about himself and what happened in the woods. Also, discuss the various people he meets along the way (church elder, elderly widow, young woman convert, sailor, children, and Mistress Hibbins) and his inner turmoil and desires to speak ungodly oaths to them. Lastly, describe his encounter with Chillingworth. Dimmesdale returns to town and can hardly understand the strange change he now sees within himself. He says “ I am not the man for whom you take me! I left him yonder in the forest…” (178). Along the way Dimmesdale runs into the church elder and struggles to use his self-control and not utter the horrible matters he finds himself in. When Dimmesdale comes across the elderly …show more content…

After their brief encounter Dimmesdale believes he has sold him himself or made a bargain with the Devil. When Dimmesdale finally reaches the comfort of his home, Chillingworth is there awaiting his arrival. Dimmesdale explains to the physician that he no longer has use for his medicines. Chillingworth fears that Dimmesdale has knowledge of his true identity and is now aware that he is “no longer a trusted friend, but his bitterest enemy” (184). Chapter 22 – The procession takes place in the marketplace and is comprised of an array of different instruments. As the music begins, a body of soldiers marches the market and are then followed by the town fathers which includes Bradstreet, Endicott, Dudley, and Bellingham. Next in order to the magistrates came Dimmesdale exhibiting energy and strength. As Dimmesdale walks “there was no feebleness of step, as at other times; his frame was not bent; nor did his hand rest ominously upon his heart” (196). To Hester “he seemed so remote from her own sphere,” (196) and unattainable. She feared that a the whole idea of moving to Europe was nothing but a mere delusion, and that “there could be no real bond betwixt the clergyman and herself” (197). Looking at her mother’s face, Pearl asks “was that the same minister that kissed me by the brook?” (197). Her mother scolds her for speaking about Dimmesdale and wishing to bestow a kiss of her own and tells Pearl that “ We must not always talk in the market-place of what

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