
Description Of Celiac Disease

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A disease can be described as a pathological process, which presents a set of features that can influence different parts within the human body. (5) Nowadays there are a huge number of disorders that have spread around the world. When a disease hits the digestive system it is considered to be one of the most deadly diseases and some of these diseases are; gastritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer and celiac disease. Celiac disease has been the most common disease in the world these days. However, Celiac disease is a disorder that happens because of the immune system’s reaction to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and the immune system’s reaction to eating gluten creates inflammation that damages the small …show more content…

Some of these problems can happen because of the small intestine's incapability to digest food and absorb nutrients correctly. Other problems may develop from harm to the intestinal lining that may lead noticeable symptoms. (6) Grownups with celiac disease have a several-fold greater than normal risk of developing lymphomas in the small bowel and elsewhere, especially in the first year after diagnosis. They also have a high danger of small intestinal diseases and, to a lesser degree, of esophageal carcinomas. (7) While celiac disease can destroy the intestines; moreover, in some cases it might lead to other diseases and …show more content…

Celiac disease definitely more than just an autoimmune disease, and this is mainly because its effects branches from a mucosal inflammation and the disruption of the small intestine’s surface area and harming the villi to psychological effects which will impact the surrounding environment of the patient such as their families and their work colleagues. Also, some people with the disease may not even know they have it, which leaves it untreated and leads them to be trapped in a risky position of being diagnosed with deadly diseases like cancer; we should therefore take celiac disease as one of the deadliest diseases we have in the world to maintain the well-being of society and the quality of our

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