
Description Of Selected Community Practice Model Essay

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Description of Selected Community Practice Model Movements of Progressive Change advocate for change in society through the community coming together to collaborate with solidarity to strengthen the group’s message and increase social justice. This paper will examine how the Black Lives Matter Movement and the Civil Rights Movement fit the model described by Weil, Reisch and Ohmer (2012). It will also describe the model of Movements of Progressive Change and how it relates to the role of community practice. Movements for Progressive Change advocate for social action, economic and environmental justice and the well-being of others (Weil, Reisch & Ohmer, 2012). Identification of Key Characteristics Changes to policy and social conditions are gradual and progress is made in a step by step fashion for the health and well-being of the people of that community. The Black Lives Matter Movement and the Civil Rights Movement fit the model of Movements of Progressive Change. According to Weil, Reisch and Ohmer (2012) they are movements that are viewed as collective challenges brought forth by committed activists as a unified voice for change. In an article by McAdam (2015), he indicates social movements can promote or resist change in society through collective action. de Bakker, den Hond, King and Weber (2013) explain that social movements can approach change from the bottom up. Social movements also seek change through confrontation and collaboration (Baker et al., 2013).

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