
Descriptive Essay About Football

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In our lives struggles and difficulties will never be avoided; they are a part of life. Whether or not we are ready or prepared, they are always going to happen. The fact is that life is ever changing. And, as one season ends and those doors are closed, new seasons as well as new opportunities will come in place of those gone. What makes the difference in each day, however, is how we respond when that adversity comes our way. As was the case this past year in football for me. For me, the most painful and most disheartening game one year (2016), then became the most amazing and elated game I would ever experience when we played the next year (2017).

Shut out. Shattered. Eradicated – these are just a couple words that I attempt to use to describe the rivalry game of 2016. It was the most anticipated game of the year; the game against our arch rivals, the Wilco Falcons. It was the Christian Cougars against the Wilco Falcons. Through the first half of the game, we fought hard to keep it close. We stayed in stride with our opponents and performed at our most, in order to go into halftime trailing just 22-14. Coming out of halftime, however, the end came fast. We were shut down and blown out by 42 points in the second half of the game. In short, it quickly became a massacre, and there was no hope for any sort of comeback. As the seconds to the end counted down, one by one, tears flooded my eyes and numbness took my heart. Finally, the clock hit zero, and the

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