
Descriptive Essay About The House

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On the corner of my block, there’s this one house that’s always haunted looking. When I walk past it, it gives me the chills and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I was walking home past it one day, and I just got a bad feeling from that place. I felt like there was something harmful about to happen, I felt the suspense. It felt like there was something or someone behind me. I walk past this house every day around 7 or 8, when it starts to get dark out. I usually am just leaving school so i’m walking by myself because no other kids live on this street. The house is black, big, and has a lot of wood pieces missing from it… it looks broken. The next day when I go to school I tell my two best friends about it. “The house really scares me,” I croaked. “ Oh, you’re just being a wimp,” Becky teased. “Stop being so rude Becky, what if it is scary?” Bridgette exclaimed “We’ve never seen it.”
This not so brilliant idea then comes into Becky’s head. “Then let's go and see for ourselves today after school since it’s a weekend,” notes Becky “I don't have anything else to do” “I don’t have anything to do either,” Bridgette agrees. “ I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I testified. “You’re being such a baby Brooke,” Becky complains. “Fine, I’ll go, but I don’t know if I am going inside or not yet.” I stated. It was after school, we all walked to our own houses and got dressed. They planned to meet up at my house and then we’d leave from there. We ended up staying at my house for a little while. We leave my porch and start walking to the end of the block. We finally reach the front porch of the house and someone had to go knock on the door. Becky goes up to the door and when she is about to knock, the door opens. Becky walks in, then we all walk in.
It's dark and scary in this house, and we finally walked past the doorway. BANG!! The door slammed shut behind us. We all ran to the door to try and open it, but it wouldn't open. We were locked in. “Maybe it’s like a maze and we have to go find the end,” Becky hinted. “We all have to stick together.” Bridgette blubbered “We all can split up and when we find an exit, we can just scream at each other. It’ll get us out faster,” Becky argued.

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